CONFERENCE “Breaking Barriers : Gender Equity in Digital Health” 10th October 2024
The 2024 Conference of the Global South e-Health Observatory (ODESS) will be held on 10 October 2024 on the central theme of “Breaking Barriers : Gender Equity in Digital Health”.
The event will bring together people working in the field, researchers and institutions from the digital health ecosystem to discuss the impact of digital technologies on gender equity in healthcare systems in developing countries at various round tables. It will also be an opportunity to discover the 2024 laureates and listen to their stories.
As every year, the event will be streamed and replayed, in French and English, on this page, the Observatory’s Youtube channel and the Fondation Pierre Fabre’s social networks.
Watch the conference live
Conference programme (UTC+2)
10h00 : OPENING
- Béatrice Garrette, CEO, Fondation Pierre Fabre
10h05 : INTRODUCTION : Gender and health
- Renu Khanna, Co-director of Society for Health Alternatives (SAHAJ)
10h20 : PANEL DISCUSSION 1 : How can digital health help reduce gender inequalities?
- Smisha Agarwal, Director of the Center for Global Digital Health Innovation and Associate Professor in the Department of International Health at the John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
- Aparna Hegde, Founder and managing trustee, ARMMAN
- Caroline Perrin Franck, Executive Director of the Geneva Digital Health Hub (gdhub)
- Tigest Tamrat, Scientist, World Health Organisation
11h05 : SHARING EXPERTISE : Gender bias and AI
- Isabelle Hilali, Founder and CEO, datacraft
- ATIPAN+, Phillipines
- HealthTAG, Thailand
14h15 : PANEL DISCUSSION 2 : Using digital to empower women in healthcare
- Nelly Munyasia, Executive Director, Reproductive Health Network Kenya
- Assiatou Kama Niang, Policy and Research Manager, Speak Up Africa
- Alexandra Tyers-Chowdhury, Gender digital divide specialist, UNICEF Digital Centre of Excellence
- Nusura Myonga, Project Lead, Her Initiative
15h00 : KEYNOTE : Technology for prevention and response to gender-based violence
- Patricia Mechael, Co-founder and CEO, Health Enabled
- E-Heza, Rwanda
- Neotree, Zimbabwe, Malawi
- Jai Ganesh Udayasankaran, Executive Director of the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN)
Discover the projects awarded in 2024
Atipan+: Telehealth for geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas in the Philippines
The Atipan Project is an award-winning telehealth program run by the Center for Informatics (CFI) that provides free healthcare services to remote, underserved, under-resourced, marginalized and highly vulnerable Indigenous (Ati) and rural low-income communities in Western Visayas (Region 6, Philippines).
To learn more about the project
Digital solutions to eradicate newborn mortality in low-income countries
Catalyzing the digital transformation of newborn care to eradicate preventable newborn deaths in low-income countries
To learn more about the project
HealthTAG : Decentralized Health Care, empowering Well-being Countrywide
To transforming Health Towards; Decentralized and Connected Care and let health data flow with patients and enable health data on patient’s hand.
To learn more about the project
E-Heza Data Solutions
E-Heza Data Solutions is a digital health platform designed to optimize high quality care for families across the entire spectrum of primary care from villages to health centers and hospitals in Rwanda.
To learn more about the project