Promoting Proper Management of Zoonotic Diseases through e-based One Health Training of Frontline Healthcare Workers

Reducing the burden of diseases transmissible between animals and humans

Project start date : 01/04/2019

Last updated : 01/09/2023

Beneficiary country : Tanzania, United Republic of

Healthcare themes targeted

  • Primary healthcare
  • Infectious diseases

Fields of application

  • Health professional training

Stage of development

  • Pilot project/testing/trials

Financing method

  • Public (grant/subsidies, call for proposals/call for tender, etc.)
  • Private (private investors, crowdfunding, philanthropy, etc.)
  • Other (please specify)

Area where the project is utilised

  • Provincial/regional (in one region of a single country)

Economic model(s)

  • Subsidies
  • Donations
  • Other (please specify)

Target audience

  • Healthcare professionals and structures (hospitals, healthcare centres/clinics, health networks)
  • Sick people

Project objectives

  • Decreased morbidity
  • Reduced suffering

Materials used

  • Cellular (mobile) phone
  • Smartphone
  • Computer

Technologies used

  • Mobile telecommunications (without data connection)
  • Internet
  • Geolocation
  • Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)

Offline use


Open source


Open data


Independent evaluation

Yes, evaluated independently

About the sponsor

SACIDS One Health Foundation at Sokoine University

Sokoine University of Agriculture (SUA) is a public university that was established by Act No. 6 of 1984 which was subsequently repealed in 2005 by the Universities Act No. 7 of 2005. Following the enactment of the Universities Act, the university was granted the SUA Charter of 2007. Currently SUA has five campus colleges namely the College of Agriculture; College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences; College of Forestry, Wildlife and Tourism; College of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Solomon Mahlangu College of Science and Education. SUA has also one School of Agricultural Economics and Business Studies. On average, SUA coordinates and manages about 150 research projects and programs with an average annual transaction of research funds of Tanzanian Shillings (TZS) 26 billion. In 2016, SUA won to host two Africa Centers of Excellence (ACE) funded by the World Bank through the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania. These ACEs are SACIDS-Africa Centre of Excellence for Infectious Diseases in Humans and Animals in Southern and Eastern Africa (SACIDS-ACE) and the African Centre of Excellence for Innovative Rodent Pest Management and Biosensor Technology Development (IRPM [&] BTD- Rat Tech).

Sector : Academic entities (Universities, research laboratories, etc)

Country of origin : Afghanistan

Contact : Sponsor website Project website


  • Ending Pandemics of the TIDES Foundation

    Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)

  • US

    Healthcare (professionals and structures)

  • Office of the Prime Minister of the United Republic of Tanzania
