Mobile Health Based Best Wishes Program
Reduce birth defects and maternal and neonatal mortality
Project start date : 01/01/2015
Last updated : 16/03/2022
Beneficiary country : Nepal
What problem does the initiative address ?
In Nepal, there is high maternal and neonatal mortality rates, plus an important prevelance of birth defects.
Detailed description of the initiative
With an objective to prevent avoidable disabilities by improving maternal, neonatal and child health care, we started mHealth program in phase wise manner in Ilam since 2016.
In case of Ilam, there are six types of form (pregnancy registration, pregnancy checkup, Delivery Report, Post Natal Care checkup, and closing and opening of form) that are incorporated for capturing data regarding maternal and child health. The end-user for m-Health program is Female Community Health Volunteers (FCHVs).
This program uses a mobile based technology to register and track them to follow up for Antenatal Care (pregnancy) Checkup, institutional delivery and post-natal checkup including newborn checkup. Under the program, the trained FCHV sends a mobile message string to the designated gateway number to register the newly identified pregnant woman. The system then generates a unique pregnancy registration number and an Expected Delivery Date (EDD) for the pregnant woman. Four Antenatal checkups are recommended by Government of Nepal. Thus, the system automatically sends a reminder to the volunteer to follow up the pregnant woman for the checkups. Upon the reminder, the volunteer reaches the pregnant lady to make sure that she visits the health facility. Once the pregnant woman visits health facility for the services, the FCHVs send another string (mobile SMS) to indicate that the pregnant woman utilized the services. However, in the failure to notify the system regarding the service use, the system sends reminders, which at the end, is followed up by the health worker too. Likewise, in case of any danger sign identified during the visit, the health worker notifies it to the system for further referral and management. Upon the approaching delivery date, the system sends a notification stating “Delivery period is approaching soon hence please make necessary preparation for the delivery.” This continues until the pregnant woman delivers at health institution and undertakes postnatal services and newborn checkup. Alongside, a best wishes card that describes about all the services and their importance is also issued to newly married couples and pregnant women.
Objectives are : to increase access to and utilization of maternal and child health and nutrition services, to improve quality of life of children and adults with disabilities and their families, to strengthen local government system- Palikas, health and education facilities.
What is the proposed solution added value ?
2 580
Number of beneficiaries since launch
4 Full-Time equivalents
4 Employees
1 Volunteers
2 Service providers

2 580
Number of beneficiaries since launch
Target audience
- Pregnant women
- Young children (0-5 years)
Project objectives
- Decreased mortality
- Decreased morbidity
Materials used
- Cellular (mobile) phone
- Smartphone
- Computer
Technologies used
- Mobile telecommunications (without data connection)
- Internet
- Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
Offline use
Open source
Open data
Independent evaluation
Yes, auto-evaluated or evaluated by a related organization
About the sponsor
Karuna Foundation Nepal
Karuna Foundation has been established in Nepal since 2015 and started to operated as a Nepalese NGO. The Foundation is registered at District Administration Office, Kathmandu as per the Organization Registration Act, 2034 B.S and has acquired all the necessary legal and administrative compliances.
Karuna Foundation Nepal aims to prevent avoidable disabilities among children and improve quality of lives of children and adults with disabilities and bring progressive changes in the lives of families at risk, developing evidence based scalable community models.
Sector : Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Country of origin :
Contact : Sponsor website Project website
Medic Mobile Pvt Ltd
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)