Digital support for victims of sexual and gender-related violence in the DRC.
To strengthen the holistic approach of access to and medical treatment of women and girls who have survived sexual and gender-related violence, through digital tools, in the Eastern DRC.
Project start date : 15/10/2022
Last updated : 05/02/2024
Beneficiary country : Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
What problem does the initiative address ?
Located in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Nord-Kivu Province is experiencing a humanitarian crisis exacerbated by the persistence of violence perpetrated by armed groups with the loyalist forces. According to the humanitarian response plan published by OCHA in January 2022, there were 49,661 cases of violations of human rights, including 5,457 cases of women subjected to SGBV. Resources for provision of holistic care remain very weak and insufficient, while armed conflict and violence remains a permanent reality in the East of the country. This violence has led to at least 1,147 civil deaths (including 240 women following poor standards of holistic care and 592 with no care at all). According to the Quarterly Information Bulletin for the Sub-Cluster of Gender-Based Violence (SC-VBG) for the period January-March 2022, 7.3 million women and girls are at risk of suffering gender-based violence. Levels of protection have deteriorated in the East of the country following armed and inter-ethnic conflicts, and a request for humanitarian assistance with care programmes has been launched.
The approach recommended by this project involves providing digital support capable of ensuring referral of victims from the moment of the violence right through to their medical and psychological care. This approach should make it possible to educate female communities to restore enjoyment of their rights, advance gender equality, and help prevent inappropriate behaviour and mental illness. The same approach will promote research to develop a better understanding of the complex dynamics of sexual violence, in order to guide our work to combat misinformation and to protect women and girls in the area of intervention.
Detailed description of the initiative
The project aims to ensure remote referral of survivors of sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV), in order to prevent and combat complications such as pregnancy, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV/AIDS. In order to improve medical care of surviving women and girls through digital tools, alert, listening and telephone monitoring mechanisms are set up in the community. The tools aimed at preventing and combating SGBV, abuse and sexual exploitation include:
1. a toll-free number with a preventive role, via which victims or people close to them can report and instantly request first aid or support, and start the referral process;
2.a suggestion box, a digital tool which facilitates communication, allowing community opinions to be collected to improve the quality of holistic victim support, to report cases, and to improve fluidity of referral and of support for the medical and psychological health of women and girls who have survived SGBV; networks, to deploy targeted and approximative awareness in groups or door-to-door, bring victims into contact with medical care services and monitor the progress of their health; media, to publish, relay and post findings and other project activities in order to reach and document on a larger scale those communities at risk of sexual and gender-based violence.
Involving the community and seeking its opinion through these tools has several advantages: knowing their problems and expectations in order to meet their real needs, providing medical or psychological support where necessary, intervening on behalf of survivors and helping them to obtain urgent and free medical service. Therapeutic education is also provided to survivors by mobile phone, via notifications to health councils, in order to avoid mental breakdowns and deteriorations in physical health.
What is the proposed solution added value ?
Several initiatives relating to protection of women and girls who have survived sexual and gender-based violence have been implemented in the area. However, these initiatives only involved legal and judicial support and economic empowerment for victims. No prevention and protection initiative, including digital tools and aimed at improving medical care for the physical and mental health of victims, exists in the area targeted by this project. The approach is innovative because it allows survivors living in the intervention area to easily reach medical care services, as well as a psychiatrist or psychologist close to their place of residence, via a toll-free number, the suggestion box or flexible community networks. It allows victims to be actively listened to and monitored over the telephone.
Number of beneficiaries since launch
5 Full-Time equivalents
5 Employees
18 Volunteers
2 Service providers

Number of beneficiaries since launch
Target audience
- Children - adolescents (ages 6-18)
- Other
Project objectives
- Improved treatment
Materials used
- Cellular (mobile) phone
- Computer
Technologies used
- Mobile telecommunications (without data connection)
- Internet
- Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
Offline use
Open source
Open data
Independent evaluation
Yes, evaluated independently
About the sponsor
Action for Peace, Education and Defence of Human Rights (APEDH)
Action for Peace, Education and Defence of Human Rights (APEDH) is a local Congolese organisation created in 2015 following an initiative taken by women in the city of Goma. It seeks answers to human rights issues in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), especially in North Kivu Province: non-involvement of women in local governance and the search for peace (resolution and transformation of conflicts), destruction of the socio-economic fabric of women, inability of women to defend their rights, economic dependence of women, failure to denounce human rights violations committed against women, dropping out of school, and forced recruitment of children into armed groups. The association acts in three main areas: gender and women’s empowerment, child protection and education, and peace, human rights and good governance, to the benefit of vulnerable women and children affected by armed conflicts. Our vision is to live in a society where the rights of women and children are respected.
Sector : Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Country of origin : Congo (the Democratic Republic of the)
Contact : Sponsor website Project website
Open Society Initiative For Sourthern Africa-OSISA
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie-OIF
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Counter Part International
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Kibumba health zone where the project will take place
Healthcare (professionals and structures)