Déploiement de DHIS2 dans l’Etat du Borno (Nigéria)
The initiative consists of deploying DHIS2 (District Health Information Software 2) in the areas of intervention of ALIMA in the State of Borno (Nigeria), and strengthening the country’s health information systems by improving the collection, centralization, quality and analysis of health data while involving the Ministry of Health
Project start date : 01/04/2019
Last updated : 16/03/2022
Beneficiary country : Nigeria
What problem does the initiative address ?
Technically, most countries have not taken advantage of the benefits of ICT developments such as the Internet, the cloud and mobile computing. As a result, systems often remain manual or stand-alone and data cannot be shared. Institutionally, systems remain largely fragmented, with non-standardised data, low human resource capacity and little evidence that data are used to guide action.
Since 2009, conflict between several armed groups continues to contribute to the deteriorating humanitarian situation in north-eastern Nigeria. The majority of vulnerable people are women and children. Nearly 2.7 million people face critical food insecurity, with more than 1 million children malnourished and an estimated 367,000 suffering from severe acute malnutrition. The health system is destabilized and faces difficulties in formulating an effective response to needs. Given the qualitative need and the volume of activity, a strategy for the implementation of DHIS2 in these areas has been defined. In order to ensure the health data collection process for DHIS2, a team has been mobilized and trained in the use of this tool, both in Monguno (in the state of Borno in Nigeria) and at Headquarters in Dakar.
Detailed description of the initiative
The initiative is a response to the production and analysis of health data, allowing:
Improving the quality of data, ensuring a direct link with services, users and logistics;
Improving data analysis, promoting the use of data at the lowest level for decision-making;
To train and thus increase the competence of field actors;
To improve the coverage of data collection, allowing access to remote areas;
Ensure better integration of data into national databases for planning and evaluation.
It is not necessary to have a high availability of internet for synchronization, moreover the data entry does not need to be online, the work can be done offline, which is adapted to the context.
What is the proposed solution added value ?
ALIMA has identified in the field the opportunity to use information and communication technologies (ICTs) for the capture, processing, analysis and communication of health data. In order to improve the health information production process, to ensure the centralization of data in the health sector, and to strengthen the planning and management of its programs, ALIMA and its partner IT4LIFE have chosen to use DHIS2.
DHIS2 is an open source application that enables governments and organizations to collect, manage and analyse data in the health sector and beyond. Developed by the University of Oslo in 1994, this health information and data management system meets international standards and is in line with WHO recommendations. This application is now used in several countries as a national health information system (67 countries). In Africa in particular, Nigeria, Niger, Ethiopia, Botswana, Tanzania, Zambia, Burkina Faso, Ghana, Guinea, ….
Being able to be implemented in countries where ALIMA is engaged, DHIS2 is a response to the needs identified on the field concerning:
The harmonization of tools/procedures for monitoring indicators and the results of the activities carried out
The compilation and comparison of health data between the different projects and
Reducing the risk of error.
This innovation allows, in one click, access to health information in real time, while bringing comfort in data entry and exploitation.
114 057
Number of beneficiaries since launch
26 Full-Time equivalents
26 Employees
N/C Volunteers
2 Service providers

114 057
Number of beneficiaries since launch
Target audience
- Healthcare professionals and structures (hospitals, healthcare centres/clinics, health networks)
- Entire population
- Sick people
- Pregnant women
- Children - adolescents (ages 6-18)
- Young children (0-5 years)
Project objectives
- Decreased mortality
- Decreased morbidity
- Reduced suffering
- Improved treatment
Materials used
- Tablet
- Computer
- Connected objects
Technologies used
- Internet
- Geolocation
- Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
Offline use
Open source
Open data
Independent evaluation
Yes, auto-evaluated or evaluated by a related organization
About the sponsor
ALIMA / The Alliance for International Medical Action
ALIMA is a medical humanitarian organization created in 2009. It brings together the medical expertise of international humanitarian staff with that of national medical NGOs and global research institutes to provide quality medical aid to the most vulnerable people and to conduct research projects that will improve humanitarian medicine. ALIMA has expertise in the field of Malnutrition, Maternal Health, Primary Health, Paediatrics, Malaria, Epidemics (Ebola, Cholera, Measles, Dengue), Hospitalization, Emergencies. Its anchorage in the Sahel region gives it a good knowledge of the specificities and challenges of this geographical area.
Since its creation in 2009, ALIMA has treated 2.6 million patients, conducted 56 programs in 13 countries and launched 10 operational research projects on malnutrition, malaria, the Ebola virus and surgery during natural disasters. All of these activities are carried out in support of national health authorities through more than 320 health structures (hospitals and health facilities).
Sector : Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Country of origin :
Contact : Sponsor website Project website
MSF Belgique
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
UNICEF - sous groupe de travail régional sur la nutrition“Systèmes d´information et utilisation stratégique des données”
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Industrial (Startups, enterprises, etc.)
groupe e-santé
Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)