Application sur téléphone Androïde du jeu Nutricartes®️
Monitoring, in addition to the nutritional education provided, of children’s anthropometric measurements and changes in family nutrition
Project start date : 02/01/2019
Last updated : 16/03/2022
Beneficiary country : Madagascar Burkina Faso Chad Niger (the)
What problem does the initiative address ?
The origin of the creation of the Nutricartes® method, an observation: It is easy to save children from malnutrition by giving them extra food for several weeks; however, programmes that fight against child malnutrition are not very common, results that seem to persist over time. It is from this observation that the creation of a nutritional education programme to prevent child malnutrition emerged as the answer to this problem.
Detailed description of the initiative
The nutritional education of families for children under the age of 5 years old is given via a Nutricartes® game which is made of photo cards that represent foods found on the market and a mat with 4 colours: Red for construction foods (proteins), Yellow for Energy foods (carbohydrates, lipids), Green for Protection foods (vitamins, micro-nutrients) and Blue for water. This education is done in groups of 10 to 12 people by a nutritional assistant trained according to the I.C.E. technique. There is a weekly session for 5 weeks then a follow up 2 months, 6 months, 12 months and 24 months after the training.
On the application there are anthropometric measurements, the representation of a mat with 4 colours and 151 food photo cards as well as some hygiene based questions: clean water, washing your hands, latrines.
Health workers travel to see families with only a scale and a smartphone. The measures are noted and families are asked to class the foods in the 3 categories by moving the food photo cards on the styled mat. For correct answers a smiley face emoji appears and for incorrect answers a sad face emoji appears. The results are recorded and uploaded to the central computer once the health workers return to the health centres. In light of the results the head of the health centre and/or the French director of the mission can propose a new training course or a food supplement if the child is malnourished.
What is the proposed solution added value ?
The initiative allows the monitoring of children’s growth in the months following the nutritional training and to observe the nutritional changes that the families have made. All of this helps to prevent families from having to travel to health centres.
1 000
Number of beneficiaries since launch
2 Full-Time equivalents
1 Employees
1 Volunteers
1 Service providers
1 000
Number of beneficiaries since launch
Target audience
- Young children (0-5 years)
- Patient family/entourage
Project objectives
- Decreased morbidity
- Improved treatment
Materials used
- Cellular (mobile) phone
- Tablet
Technologies used
- Mobile app (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, HTML5, etc.)
Offline use
Open source
Open data
Independent evaluation
About the sponsor
Association L'APPEL
L’APPEL is a French international charitable association that has been carrying out actions in favour of children for 50 years in the fields of health, education and access to water in 11 countries of the South. The association only employs two part time workers. Action is carried out by expert volunteers (doctors, nurses, social workers, engineers) from the design stage with local partners to on-site missions for the monitoring and development of the projects.
Sector : Institutions (Communities, public authorities, NGOs, foundations, etc.)
Country of origin :
Contact : Sponsor website Project website