Providing continuing education for healthcare-related human resources
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The Observatory held a conference on 4 July 2016. The event showcased e-health innovations and potential in Africa and Asia by presenting the chosen nine initiatives, each of which received the Foundation prize.
This conference also was a chance to identify the opportunities and challenges of the digital transformation in the health domain in developing countries, receive helpful feedback from the invited project sponsors, and encourage communication with other e-health entities (institutions, funders, manufacturers).
The Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Fondation Pierre Fabre’s partner for this event, was represented by its Chief Education Officer on the day of the event and livestreamed the conference on digital campuses worldwide.
The event was broadcasted in full on the odess.io website and is avalaible for replay below.
The 2016 laureates
Providing continuing education for healthcare-related human resources
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Connect Pharmacy
A medicine affordability program that connects patients to professionals
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Using digital technologies to improve maternal and infant health care access
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mHealth to improve the health of mothers, babies, and PLHIV
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An app to improve vaccination coverage
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The connected community pharmacy which combines the circular economy and cross-financing
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Combining mobile technologies, health micro-insurance and preventive monitoring to fight against preventable deaths among young people
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Facilitating access to care in medical deserts
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Telemedicine without borders
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Recognized as being of public utility since 1999, the Pierre Fabre Foundation works to provide populations in developing countries with better access to medicines and quality care. Its five areas of intervention are the training of healthcare professionals, the fight against sickle cell disease, access to healthcare for vulnerable populations, e-health and dermatology. In 2023, the Foundation ran 35 programs in 21 countries in Africa, South-East Asia, Lebanon and Haiti.