THE GLOBAL SOUTH E-HEALTH OBSERVATORY « Bridging the Healthcare Gap: the Role of AI in LMICs » 28th of September 2023.

The ODESS 2023 Conference was dedicated to the following topic: “Bridging the Healthcare Gap: the Role of AI in LMICs”. Scheduled for September 28th, the conference has gathered experts, researchers, international actors on the ground and partners from the digital health ecosystem to discuss the place of AI in healthcare in developing countries.
With panel discussions on diagnostic assistance, ethics and human rights, as well as experience feedbacks and testimonies from the 2023 Laureates, the challenges and opportunities offered by AI in improving access to quality healthcare has been adressed.
A major event to promote innovation in healthcare in the South. This conference is organised with our partners: the Agence française de Développement (AFD), the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), the Fondation de l’Avenir and the Asia eHealth Information Network (AeHIN).
This event will was streamed live and replayed for free, in both French and English, on this website, on the Observatory’s Youtube channel and on the Fondation Pierre Fabre’s social media.
2023 Conference program
- Béatrice Garrette, CEO, Fondation Pierre Fabre
10:05 INTRODUCTION AI: main principles & concepts
- Aziz Ayed, Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Cikū Mathenge, Director, Training & Research, Rwanda Institute of Ophtalmology
- Paisan Ruamviboonsuk, Ophtalmology Professor, Rajavithi Hospital, Bangkok
- Alexander Navarini, Chairman, Department of Dermatology, University Hospital of Basel
- Peggy Bui, Product Manager, Google Health AI
11:20 SHARING EXPERTISE: Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)
- Nada Malou, Antibiogo Project Manager, Fondation MSF
14:20 PANEL DISCUSSION 2 – AI, Ethics & Human Rights
- Mehdi Snène, Chief AI Officer, I-DAIR
- Fazilah Shaik Allaudin, State Health Director, Penang State Health Department, Ministry of Health, Malaysia
- Alain Labrique, Director, Dept of Digital Health & Innovation, World Health Organization
- Anne Cécile Zoung-Kanyi Bissek, Head, Division of Operational Health Research, Ministry of Health, Cameroon
- Alain Labrique, Director, Dept of Digital Health & Innovation, World Health Organization
Discover the projects awarded in 2023

Weerwi - West Africa
Weerwi is a multi-channel solution designed around the use of mobile phones and social networks to inform and support girls and women in understanding and managing their menstrual cycle.
To learn more about the project

Fetosense - India
Fetosense is a patented AI-based wireless portable foetal heart rate monitor which requires no consumables or special expertise to operate on the field.
To learn more about the project

TelemedKG - Kyrgyzstan
Provide access to specialised and general healthcare for children with disabilities and their families in the Kyrgyz Republic – primarily to those living in poverty in rural areas.
To learn more about the project

rCHMIS - Uganda
A Community Health Information System to address the strategic and operational gaps within the health care system in refugee settlements in Uganda (rCHMIS).
To learn more about the project